Community Bible Church
Inwood, LI, NY

Rev. Dr. Lomax R. Bland
At the early age of 11, Elder Lomax R Bland accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. He became a member of the Bethel Holy Church of the Mt. Sinai Holy Church of America, Inc. under the tutelage of Bishop James H. Bell. There he remained under the leadership of Bishop Joseph H. Bell Sr. until the Lord called him out to start Christ Pentecostal Church of Deliverance in 2000.
Elder Bland preached his initial sermon on August 19, 1975, and moved up in the church's ranks. Licensed as a Minister, September 1977 as an Evangelist, September 1981 was ordained Elder September 1991.
Elder Bland is a product of school busing in 1965. Upon graduating from James Madison High School. He always had a love for God’s word and he wanted to do some in-depth study. Hence, he enrolled in Manhattan Bible Institute affiliated with Anchor Theological Seminary, where he received his Bachelor of Religious Education in 1989 and received his Master of Theology in 1995. He earned his doctorate in Theology in June 2007. Doctor Bland joined the Manhattan Bible Institute of New York faculty in 1995 and stayed until 2019.
Returning to College of New Rochelle/Mercy College and receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Substance Abuse Counselor certification.
Elder Bland is married to his lovely wife Venisia Bland and they have three beautiful children Jessica 31, Jorrell, 27, and Jimanni, 23.